Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Remembering the Brewer Twins

Before Abercrombie & Fitch cornered the market on naked outdoor romps in black and white, before Bel Ami took the 'twincest' fantasy too far, at the dawn of the Internet in the mid-1990s, the universe graced us with Derek and Keith Brewer--better known as the Brewer Twins.

These blond surfers, who turned 40 a couple of months ago, were mainstream male models who had major ad campaigns with GAP, Guess?, YSL, and others.  Here you will see why People magazine selected named them in 1998 as two of the most beautiful people in the world.

But what stands out the most in our memory is the scandalous Bruce Weber photo shoot that teased the world with question of exactly how close the male supermodels were.  According to the twins' website, one of them is now married--but these pictures will live on forever.  Make sure to jump for the raciest of the photo set!  You won't be sorry you did.

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