Saturday, September 6, 2008

'Project Runway's' Jack Mackenroth and Kevin Christiana Admit Gross Secret

We think this is absolutely gross subject matter, but it's a good style tip for some of you, so here's a little snippet from our favorite mag, New York:

The most valuable lesson Jack Mackenroth and Kevin Christiana learned from last season's
Project Runway didn't have anything to do with speed sewing or "making it work." "If we're sweaty, we put panty liners under our arms, so [we] don't sweat," Mackenroth said last night at Gen Art's "Fresh Faces in Fashion" at the Manhattan Center. "I learned that from my roommates on the show," Christiana chimed in. "At one point, I had the cameras actually on me, and I dropped my notepad and all the panty liners fell out. And I had to clean them up real fast." Added Mackenroth: "You've got to get the ones with the sticky side, so you can stick them onto your clothes." (He recommends Always brand panty liners in the purple box.)

In other news, J-Mack and Kevin have teamed up on a couple of other projects: First, Jack tells us, the two designers are working on campaign for Vibrant Rioja wine (see designs below), as well as pitching a new reality show--a sort of Project Runway-Queer Eye blend--to various networks (notably, Bravo isn't one of them).

We hope this show gets picked up! We haven't paid enough attention to Kevin C., but we were instantly captivated by Jack on 'Runway'--and not just because he's gorgeous. Jack has been outspoken about living with HIV--and since young gay guys seem not to give a damn anymore, we need as many Jacks as we can get--and his designs were always impeccable on 'Runway.' We're hoping to see more of J-Mack on TV, and also on the runway.

Check in with Jack's Web site for more.

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